Maria Fusaro

Maria Fusaro


2006- University of Exeter

  • (2014-   ) Associate Professor (Reader) in History, Department of History
  • (2008-2014) Senior Lecturer in History, Department of History
  • (2006-2008) Lecturer in History, Department of History
  • (2007-   ) Director of the Centre for Maritime Historical Studies

2003-2006 University of Chicago

  • Assistant Professor in European History (1400-1750), Department of History

1999-2002 St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford

  • Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow



1996-1999 St. John’s College, University of Cambridge

  • Ph.D. awarded in February 2002. Dissertation title: The English Mercantile Communities in Venice and in the Ionian Islands, 1570-1670

1989-1995 Università di Venezia

  • Degree in History, majoring in Early Modern Economic and Social History, graduated with full marks: 110 out of 110 cum laude


Authored books

  • Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England 1450-1700, forthcoming with Cambridge University Press in early 2015
  • Reti commerciali e traffici globali nell’età moderna, (Bari-Rome: Laterza, 2008)
  • L’uva passa. Una guerra commerciale tra Venezia e l’Inghilterra, 1540-1640, (Venice: Venice University Press, 1997)

Edited books

  • Labour, Law and Empire: Comparative Perspectives on Seafarers, c. 1500-1800, co-edited with B. Allaire, R. Blakemore, T. Vanneste, forthcoming with Palgrave-Macmillan in early 2015
  • Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel’s Maritime Legacy, co-edited with C.J Heywood and M.–S. Omri (London: I.B.Tauris, 2010)
  • Maritime History as Global History, co-edited with A. Polónia (St. John’s (Newfoundland): IMEHA ‘Researches in Maritime History’ 43, 2010)

Articles and peer reviewed book chapters

  • The Invasion of Northern litigants: English and Dutch seamen in Mediterranean Courts of Law, and Afterword in Fusaro, Allaire, Blakemore, Vanneste eds.,  Labour, Law and Empire, (9,400+3,000 words) forthcoming (March 2015) with Palgrave-Macmillan
  • Public Service and Private Trade: Northern Seamen in Seventeenth Century Venetian Courts of Justice, forthcoming (February 2015) in the International Journal of Maritime History
  • ‘Politics of justice/Politics of trade: foreign merchants and the administration of justice from the records of Venice’s Giudici del Forestier’, (59 pp.) Mélanges de l’École française de Rome, MEFRIM, 126/1 (2014), available on Open Access at:
  •  ‘Cooperating mercantile networks in the Early Modern Mediterranean’, The Economic History Review, 65 (2012): 701-718
  • ‘Maritime History as Global History? The methodological challenges and a future research agenda’, in Maritime History as Global History, 267-282
  • ‘After Braudel: a Reassessment of Mediterranean History between the Northern Invasion and the Caravane Maritime’, in Trade and Cultural Exchange, 1-22
  • ‘Representation in Practice: the Myth of Venice and the British Protectorate in the Ionian Islands (1801-1864)’, in Exploring Cultural History. Essays in honour of Peter Burke, M. Calaresu, F. De Vivo, J.-P. Rubiés eds., (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), 309-325
  • ‘Vie e tecniche delle comunicazioni terrestri e marittime’, in Storia dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo, gen. ed. A. Barbero, vol. X Ambiente, Popolazione e Società, ed. R. Bizzocchi, (Rome: Salerno, 2009), 215-242
  • ‘Gli uomini d’affari stranieri in Italia’, in Il Rinascimento Italiano e l’Europa, vol. 4, L’Italia e l’economia europea nel Rinascimento, eds. F. Franceschi, R.A. Goldthwaite, R.C. Mueller (Treviso: Colla, 2007), 369-395
  • ‘Coping with Transition. Greek Merchants and Shipowners between Venice and England in the Late Sixteenth Century’, in Diaspora Entrepreneurial Networks: Four Centuries of History, eds. G. Harlaftis, I. Baghdiantz-McCabe, I. Pepelasis-Minoglou (London: Berg, 2005), 95-123
  • ‘Les Anglais et les Grecs. Un réseau de coopération commerciale en Méditerranée vénitienne’, in Annales HSS, 58 (3) 2003, 605-625
  • ‘Coping with transition. Greek Merchants and Shipowners in the Sixteenth Century” in the CD-rom of the Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Economic History Congress, Buenos Aires 2002
  • ‘Commercial Networks of Cooperation in the Venetian Mediterranean: The English and the Greeks, a Case Study’, in Commercial Networks in the Early Modern World, eds. A. Molho, D. Ramada Curto, EUI Working Papers, 2002/2, 121-147
  • ‘English Merchants in the Ionian Island: the Currants Trade in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries’, in Proceedings of the IV Pan-Ionian International Congress (Athens: University Studio Press, 2001) vol. 2, 161-168
  • ‘L’uva passa di Zante e Cefalonia’, in Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio: Il Mediterraneo centro-orientale tra vecchie e nuove egemonie. Trasformazioni economiche, sociali ed istituzionali nelle isole Ionie dal declino della Serenissima all’avvento delle potenze atlantiche (secoli XVII-XVIII) (Rome: Bulzoni, 1998), 63-70

Dictionary entries, exhibition catalogues and short essays

  • The entry “Venetian Empire” in the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Empire forthcoming in 2015
  • Introduction and editing of the Forum on ‘Maritime History Between the Public and Academia’, International Journal of Maritime History, 24 (2012): 239-250
  • ‘Der Levantehandel’, in Venedig – Seemacht, Kunst und Karneval (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2011), 34-39
  • The entry “Mediterranean” for the History of World Trade since 1450, ed. J. J. McCusker et Al., 2 vols. (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005)

Forthcoming invited lectures, panel discussions and papers


  • Invited as a discussant to the workshop organised by Cátia Antunes within her ERC-funded Project ‘Fighting Monopolies, Defying Empires 1500-1750: a Comparative Overview of Free Agents and Informal Empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire’ (Universiteit Leiden, 26-27 March 2015)
  • Invited to give a paper at the History Research Seminar of the University of Manchester (23 April 2015)
  • Organised a panel for the XVII World Economic History Congress (Kyoto, 1-8 August 2015) on ‘Entrepreneurs at sea: sailors’ trading practices and legal opportunities in the first globalization (15th-19th centuries)’

Delivered invited lectures/papers (last 5 years)


  • Invited discussant at the conference “Corsairs and Pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean, 15th-19th centuries” (Athens, Sylvia Ioannou Foundation,  17-19 October 2014)
  • Invited to give a paper at the Maritime History & Culture Seminar Series at the IHR in London (2 December 2014), title: “International Maritime Employment and National Policies: a View from the Early Modern Mediterranean”


  • Invited to deliver a paper at the International conference ‘Tripulacions i vaixells a la Mediterrània medieval: fonts i perspectives comparades des de la Corona d’Aragó’, part of the projects “La Corona d’Aragó a la Mediterrània tardomedieval. Interculturalitat, mediació, integració i transferències culturals” (MICINN HAR2010-16361), Departament de Ciències Històriques – Estudis Medievals, Institució Milà i Fontanals – CSIC (Barcelona), (Barcelona, Museu Marítim, 25-26 September 2014)
  • Invited to deliver a paper on ‘Seamanship and pay in the early modern Venetian Mediterranean: revisiting the ‘Northern invasion’ at the 11th North Sea Conference (Amsterdam, 3-5 September 2014)
  • Invited as chair and discussant of the session ‘Le consul, un intermédiaire entre les capitaines et les marchands,  in the conference “Les consuls, figures de l’intermédiation marchande en Europe et dans le monde méditerranéen (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)” (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 10-12 April 2014)
  • Invited to deliver a paper on La cultura giuridica del marinaio nel Mediterraneo Seicentesco the legal culture of sailors in the seventeenth century at the closing conference of ENBaCH (European Network for Baroque Cultural Heritage) (Rome, 27-29 March 2014)
  • Invited by the Centre for Early Modern Studies at the University of Exeter to organise a mini colloquium on the theme of ‘Sailing into Modernity: European Seamen’s Social and Legal Worlds’, with Bernard Allaire, Richard Blakemore, and Tijl Vanneste (12 March 2014)


  • Invited to deliver a paper on ‘Seamanship and pay in the early modern Venetian Mediterranean: revisiting the ‘Northern invasion’ at the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management at the Università Bocconi (Milan, 19 March 2013)
  • Invited to deliver a paper on ‘L’invasion de la Méditerrannée revisitée: les salaires des gens de mer au XVIIè siècle’ at the Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 1 March 2013
  • Invited to deliver a paper at the Blaydes House Maritime History Seminars on ‘A Pan-European workforce? Sailors and salary litigation in the early modern Mediterranean’ (University of Hull, 15 January 2013)


  • Invited to deliver a paper on ‘How to manage your crew: sailors and salary litigation in early modern Venice’ (Department of Management at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Venice, 26 April 2012)
  • Invited to the round table on links between Academia, Public History and the Private Sector as part of the Conference on Conservation and Maritime Studies at the University of Gotheborg (16-17 April 2012)
  • Invited to deliver a paper on ‘Sailing into Modernity? Sailors and Salary Litigation in the Early Modern Mediterranean’ at the Early Modern Europe seminar (University of Cambridge, 16 February 2012)


  • Professeur Invitée at the University Paris I Sorbonne – Panthéon for the month of March 2011. There I delivered two research seminars and one lecture for undergraduates
  • I was invited to contribute a paper on the Mediterranean as a ‘cultural space’ at the workshop “Gates or Open Spaces? Knowledge cultures in the Mediterranean during the 14th and 15th centuries” at the University of Seville (16-17 December 2010)


  • At the 2010 Economic History Society Annual Conference (Durham, March 2010) I delivered a paper titled: ‘Public Service and Private Trade in the Early Modern Mediterranean: English Seamen and the Venetian Courts of Law in the Seventeenth Century’
  • I was invited to contribute to the workshop jointly organized by the University of Athens and the University of Minnesota on The Mediterranean and its seas. Natural, Social, Political Landscapes and Environments (Athens 1-4 October 2009), where I delivered a paper titled: “’After Braudel’: a reassessment of Mediterranean history and historiography”

Peer reviewing activities

  • (2014-2017) Member of the Peer Review College of the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research College)
  • (2011-2013) Peer reviewer for the Valutazione Qualità della Ricerca (VQR) 2004-2010 of the Italian ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes)
  • Peer reviewer for the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council); the Dutch Council for the Humanities; the Research Council KU Leuven; the Research Foundation – Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen, FWO) and the MacArthur Fellows Programme (US)
  • Manuscript referee for The Economic History Review, The Business History Review, The International Journal of Maritime History, the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Quaderni Storici, Cahiers de la Méditerranée
  • Manuscript referee for Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Brill, I.B. Tauris, Palgrave Macmillan, Wiley-Blackwell, Routledge, Pickering and Chatto, Usborne Publishing

Membership scientific committees and service on boards

  • Invited expert for COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), the intergovernmental framework for the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level
  • Vice-Chair (elected) of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Maritime History
  • Member (elected) of the Executive Committee of SIHMED (Société Internationale des Historiens de la Méditerranée)
  • Honorary Research Fellow (invited) of the Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine at the Universitè de Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France)
  • Member (invited) of the scientific committee of the fondazione Mansutti (see:
  • Member (invited) of the scientific board of the journal Cahiers de la Méditerranée
  • Member (invited) of the scientific committee of Annali di Storia Militare
  • Member (invited) of the scientific committee of the monograph series Biblioteca del Laboratorio di Storia Marittima e Navale (Genoa)
  • Member (invited) of the Advisory Board for the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Empire (2013-2016)
  • Member (invited) of the editorial board of Brill’s Studies in Maritime History series
  • Member (invited) of the scientific committee of the project Les consuls, figures de l’intermédiation marchande en Europe et dans le monde méditerranéen (XVIIe-XIXe siècles), Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) (2013-2015)
  • (2006- ) Member (invited) of the Trust of the British Commission for Maritime History
  • (2004) Member of the Mediterranean Maritime History Network
  • (2006) Committee Member (invited) South West Maritime History Society

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