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[Appel à candidatures] Post-doctorat ConfigMed 2015-2017

Nous avons le plaisir de soumettre cet appel à candidature pour une position doctorale dans le projet ConfigMed. La ou le post-doctorant(e) s’occupera du commerce inter culturel et des litiges commerciaux dans l’espace Adriatique à l’époque moderne. Le post-doctorat durera deux ans d’avril 2015 à mars 2017. La date de cloture des candidatures est le 15 janvier 2015.Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l’annonce (en Anglais) pour le poste.


[call for applications] ERC ConfigMed_Postdoctoral fellowship 2015-2017

Employer: Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Institut d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (IHMC)
Post: Associate Research Fellow
Grade: Post doctorat
Reporting To: Dr Wolfgang Kaiser, Professor in Early Modern History

Fellowship Description
The University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne seeks to appoint one Associate Research Fellow for two years (24 months), to work with Professor Wolfgang Kaiser and his team on his project Mediterranean Reconfigurations, Intercultural Trade, Commercial Litigation and Legal Pluralism, 15th-19th Centuries (ConfigMed), funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Further details on the project are available at The successful candidate will work on intercultural trade, commercial litigation and legal pluralism in the Adriatic Sea in the Early Modern Period, with focus on port cities as Trieste, Ragusa or Ancon and the Ottoman/Habsburg commercial relations.
Main duties and accountabilities of the candidate are to undertake research as appropriate to the field of study including: writing up research work for one publication in a book format; developing research objectives and proposals for own or joint research; making presentations at national and international conferences and similar events; to work in collaboration with colleagues as appropriate to the field of study including: contributing to collaborative decision making within the research group and contributing to the production of collaborative research reports and publications
The candidate should have an excellent PhD in a related field of study, especially competences in comparative legal history and socio-economic history. We expect from the candidate sufficient knowledge on the Adriatic area (historical background, state of the art, archives available), an excellent knowledge at least two of the relevant languages (Italian, German, Serbo-Croat, Osmanli, latin, hebrew…) and good palaeographical skills. Finally, the candidate should be familiar with standard software packages.
Applicants are invited to apply by contacting Wolfgang Kaiser by e-mail (, by providing:

• NAME and Surname;
• Phone and email address;
• Abstract of your PhD (English or French);
• Two recommendation letters;
• An updated Curriculum Vitae (2 pages max.);
• A letter of motivation (300 words max., English or French).

The above full-time post is available from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2017 in the Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (Research Laboratory: IHMC). The net salary will be around 2.100 €. The closing date for completed applications is 15th January 2015. We expect to hold interviews in Paris in February.
Paris 1 University is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications from all candidates who fulfil the eligibility and selection criteria without any distinction whatsoever on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, marital status or other family situation or sexual orientation.