Archives par mot-clé : Andrea Addobbati

[Parution] Litigation and the Elements of Proof in the Mediterranean (16th-19th C.)

Nous sommes très heureux de vous signaler la parution du dossier Litigation and the Elements of Proof in the Mediterranean (16th-19th C.), coordonné par Wolfgang Kaiser Et Johann Petitjean pour les Quaderni Storici.

Il est le résultat de travaux menés au sein du programme Mediterranean Reconfigurations: Intercultural Trade, Commercial Litigation, and Legal Pluralism, 15th-19th Centuries (ERC ConfigMed).
Ce dossier est composé comme suit:

– Wolfgang Kaiser (ERC ConfigMed/Université Paris 1/EHESS), Johann Petitjean (ERC ConfigMed/Université de Poitiers), Introduction, p. 619-632.

Francisco Apellániz (ERC ConfigMed/Villa i Tatti), «You cannot produce a Muslim witness»: Early Ottoman Attitudes Towards Proof and Religious Difference, p. 633-648.

Mafalda Ade (ERC ConfigMed/McGill University), The Ottoman Commercial Tribunal in Damascus and the Use of Testimony and Evidence in Mixed Cases in the 19th Century, p. 649-672.

– Jessica M. Marglin (University of Southern California), Extraterritoriality Meets Islamic Law: Legal Pluralism and Elements of Proof in the International Mixed Court of Morocco, 1871-1872, p. 673-700.

– Joshua M. White (University of Virginia), Litigating Disputes over Ships and Cargo in Early Modern Ottoman Courts, p. 701-726.

Andrea Addobbati, When Proof Is Lacking (ERC ConfigMed/Università di Pisa): A Ship Captain’s Oath and Commercial Justice in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, p. 727-752.

Michael Talbot (ERC ConfigMed/University of Greenwich), When Proof Is Not Enough: An Ottoman Merchant in the Gibraltar Vice-Admiralty Court in the 1760s, p. 753-776.

En plus de la version papier, la revue est consultable sur internet via: Web of Science (AHCI), Current Contents, Scopus Bibliographic Database, Historical Abstracts, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), America: History and Life, Current Abstracts, Periodicals Index Online, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), ERIH Plus, Bibliografia storica nazionale, Analecta-Spoglio dei periodici italiani, Dialnet, Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP), JournalSeek, Essper, Fondazione Istituto F. Datini, Google Scholar, Primo Central (Ex Libris), EDS (Ebsco).

[Parution] Moralités marchandes dans l’Europe méditerranéenne au XVIIIe siècle

Rives n°49
Crédits : gravure extraite de Jean TAULANE, Trésor d’arithmétique des marchands et des géomètres divisé en deux parties, Marseille, imp. C. Garcin, 1689.
Le numéro 49 de la revue Rives Méditerranéennes est paru à la toute fin de l’année 2014. Le dossier a été coordonné par deux membres du Projet ERC ConfigMed : Christopher Denis-Delacour et Biagio Salvemini. Mathieu Grenet et Andrea Addobbati y ont également contribué.


[Parution] Quaderni storici – Frodi marittime tra norme e istituzioni (secc. VII-XIX)

Le nouveau numéro des Quaderni storici fait la part belle aux thématiques abordées par le projet ERC ConfigMed. Son dossier a pour titre Frodi marittime tra norme e istituzioni (secc. VII-XIX), et traite des fraudes maritimes en Méditerranée. Il a été coédité par Biagio Salvemini (membre actif du projet ERC) et Roberto Zaugg. Plusieurs membres du projet ont participé à sa conception, avec entre autre un article de Guillaume Calafat, Christopher Denis Delacour et Andrea Addobbati. Voici ci-dessous une présentation (en Anglais) du dossier. Vous trouverez ci-après le sommaire de celui-ci.

This special issue examines the relations between norms, institutions and economic behaviour with regard to the increasing regulation of maritime trade in the age of mercantilism and from the perspective of those widespread illegal practices performed by social actors. It argues that frauds were not so much the result of a lack of norms and of institutional control. Rather, they emerged through an intense interaction between social actors and institutional powers and through a manipulative use of legal norms.


B. S.R. Z., “Premessa”, pp. 311-332

Georg Christ, “Did Greek wine became Port? Or why institutional interventions matter (c. 1350-1780)”, pp. 333-358

Alida Clemente, “Quando il reato non è «peccato». Il contrabbando nel Regno di Napoli tra conflitti diplomatici, pluralismo istituzionale e quotidianità degli scambi (XVIII secolo)”, pp. 359-394

Christopher Denis-Delacour, “Flying the Pope’s flag. The commercial exploitation of the Roman flag in Mediterranean mercantile policies (18th century)”, pp. 395-418

Guillaume Calafat, “Ramadam Fatet vs. John Jucker. Trials and forgery in Egypt, Syria and Tuscany (1739-1740)”, pp. 419-440

Andrea Addobbati, “Assicurazioni e gioco d’azzardo tra Bordeaux, Londra e Livorno. Le polizze speculative sul commercio franco-caraibico durante la guerra di successione austriaca”, pp. 441-466

Daniele Andreozzi, “«La segretezza degli affari suoi». Commerci, regole e reati a Trieste nella seconda metà del Settecento”, pp. 467-496

Ida FazioRita Loredana Foti, “«Scansar le frodi». Prede corsare nella Sicilia del decennio inglese (1808-1813)”, pp. 497-54″0

Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, “Trading with the enemy. Clandestine networks during the napoleonic wars”, pp. 541-566