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Call for Participants: Mediterranean Seminar/UC MRG Winter Workshop; UCLA 2 February 2013

The Mediterranean Seminar/University of California Multi-Campus Research Project (MRP) in Mediterranean Studies announces its Winter 2013 Workshop, to be held at UCLA on Saturday, 2 February 2013.  This is part of a three-day event which also includes the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) Ahmanson Conference, “Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean,” to be held on January 31-February 1.

The Workshop consists of discussion of three pre-circulated papers and a talk by our featured scholar, Michael Herzfeld (Anthropology, Harvard University).

Carol Lansing
Professor of History, UC Santa Barbara
“Captive Women in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Later Middle Ages”

Erith Jaffe-Berg
Assistant Professor of Theater, UC Riverside
“Mediterranean Cartographies of Sixteenth-Century Commedia dell’ Arte Actresses”

Lucia Carminati
Graduate Student, Middle Eastern and North African Studies, University of Arizona
“Egypt 1919: Working-class Cosmopolitanism and Shifting Boundaries of Belonging”

Michael Herzfeld
Ernest E. Monrad Professor of the Social Sciences
Harvard University
“Gender, Geography, and the Imagining of the Mediterranean”

Space is limited, so please register now. Registration opens for UC faculty and graduate students and those at institutions affiliated with the Mediterranean Consortium today. Registration for all others will begin on Dec. 26 (registration requests may be sent in at any time; early applications will be queued in the order they are received).

Travel assistance (max $350) will be provided to attendees coming from outside the LA area. UC graduate students and faculty are guaranteed this support; others can apply, and it will be awarded on the basis of availability.

Registration requests and other inquiries should be directed to Courtney Mahaney ( at the UC Santa Cruz Institute for Humanities Research.

Attendees are encouraged to register for the Ahmanson Conference. This is done through UCLA’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies; see

Guillaume Calafat

Maître de conférences en histoire moderne (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/Institut d'histoire moderne et contemporaine). Membre junior de l'Institut Universitaire de France (2022).

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