21st – 22nd FEBRUARY 2013
Hanna Sonkajärvi (IHA)
Thursday 21st February 2013
13.00 Participants Arrival – Lunch
Section 1 : Problems and Perspectives/Enjeux et perspectives
Chair : Laurence Fontaine (CNRS-CRH)
14.15 Hanna Sonkajärvi (IHA/Universität Duisburg-Essen), Introduction
14.45 Albrecht Cordes (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Countries, Problems, Sources: the Landscape of Pre-Modern Commercial Law
15.15-15.45 Discussion 15.45-16.00 Coffee break
Section 2 : Specialized Merchant Courts in France/Tribunaux commerciaux spécialisés en France
Chair : Jochen Hoock (université Paris 7)
16.00 Julie Hardwick (University of Texas, Austin), Law and Commerce in the Lyon « Merchants Court » in the Seventeenth Century
16.30 Claire Lemercier (CNRS), Were Commercial Courts Tools of « Self-Regulation » for the Merchants? The Case of Nineteenth Century Paris
17.00-17.40 Discussion
17.40-18.00 Coffee break
Key Note Lecture/Conférence du soir
Comment/Commentaire : Laurence Fontaine (CNRS-CRH)
18.00 Mark Häberlein (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg), South German Merchants and the Law Courts, 1500-1620
Friday 22nd February 2013
Section 3 : The Spanish Consulados/Les Consulados espagnols
Chair : Simona Cerutti (EHESS-CRH)
09.00 Tamar Herzog (Stanford University), Commercial Litigation on Non-Mercantile Issues: the Consulados and Citizenship (Early Modern Spain and Spanish America)
09.30 Carlos Petit Calvo (Universidad de Huelva), Le tribunal de commerce de Séville (1830-1868)
10.00-10.40 Discussion
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
Section 4 : Comparative Approaches/Approches comparatives
Chair : Zacarias Moutoukias (université Paris7)
11.00 Hanna Sonkajärvi (IHA/Universität Duisburg-Essen), Conceptualizing Commercial Litigations in Bilbao and Rio de Janeiro (1750-1850)
11.30 Guillaume Calafat (Université Paris 1/ École française de Rome), Juridictions et étapes du contentieux marchand (Livourne, Pise et Florence, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle)
12.00-12.40 Discussion
12.40-13.40 Lunch
Section 5 : Commercial Litigations before Non-Specialised Courts/ Arbitrages commerciaux devant des cours non spécialisées
Chair : Wolfgang Kaiser (université Paris 1)
13.40 James Masschaele (Rutgers University, New Jersey), Merchants and Commercial Law in the Late Medieval England
14.10 Dave De ruysscher (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Merchants before the Antwerp City Court (1490-1550)
14.40-15.20 Discussion
15.20-15.35 Coffee break
15.35 Final discussion/Discussion finale
Entrée libre sur inscription préalable :
Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
Institut historique allemand
Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry Tel +33 (0)1 44 54 23 80
8 rue du Parc-Royal Fax +33 (0)1 42 71 56 43
75003 Paris